Sylzo Roadmap

Sylzo Roadmap

Sylzo Roadmap

Explore Sylzo's features in our evolving roadmap.


The journey begins with our vibrant Discord community. Sign up and get instant access to early updates, community discussions, and sneak peeks into what’s coming next. Initially, you’ll only have access to a few channels, but as we release new features, more channels will unlock. During this phase, you’ll be part of our core community, helping to shape Sylzo’s growth from the ground up.


As we refine and release features, each one will unlock corresponding Discord channels, giving you more access to tools like the Collaborator Marketplace, AI-powered project feedback, and XP tracking. This gradual rollout ensures a seamless experience as you explore new functionality, test early features, and engage with other creators. Each new feature unlock brings new collaboration opportunities and interactive feedback loops to keep things dynamic.


Once the key features are fully tested and optimized, we’ll shift everything to the Sylzo platform itself. The days of relying on Discord for community access will transition into a comprehensive platform where you can manage projects, collaborate with others, access advanced AI tools, and explore the entire ecosystem of resources. Your profile, XP, badges, and collaborations will seamlessly carry over, ensuring a smooth transition for all users.


Sylzo’s commitment to innovation doesn’t stop with the platform launch. We’ll continuously develop new AI tools, host regular hackathons, pitch events, and expand the Collaborative Intelligence Projects. With the community’s input, we’ll keep innovating, adding features, and enhancing the collaborative experience. Sylzo will evolve alongside its users, ensuring it remains the premier hub for creators and innovators worldwide.

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